The emperor orders the four geniuses make a forgery of the Buddha painting one hour before the ceremony for sending the Buddha away. Unfortunately, MING and SHAN are both confused by love and leave BUN and FU feeling helpless.
SHAN messes up a restaurant after getting drunk. He wakes up in the court and admits all charges. He even suggests that the judge give him life sentence and outrages the other three geniuses. LING finds TING is pregnant. He has to let TING marry MING for her sake and the forging plan. SHAN wakes up from his hangover and finds everyone’s hair has turned grey. He realizes that he has been in a coma for 20 years. LAU, who is in her middle age, has bought the restaurant that he was last at to memorize him. SHAN feels terribly sorry for getting his friends into trouble. Suddenly, he realizes that the whole story is just a lie and rushes away angrily.