Two years have passed. CHU has retired. HING has taken his place as Editor-in-chief. He tells HON to cover the opening of YEE’s new restaurant, which is on a trial run. TUNG looks after the baby of his neighbor. While he likes kids a lot, he has to face the reality too. TUNG and his wife join the CHUNG and KO families for dinner. MR. KO is looking forward to having a grandchild. KEI and HON, who got married recently, make it clear that they are not going to have any children in the coming two years. UNCLE KAU is very happy with the turnover of Dear Jane. He plans to open another cafe on the Hong Kong Island. He intends to let HON take charge of it, but HON is starting up his own bakery. The hospital informs TUNG that they have found a suitable retinal. HON’s family and friends have all come to the opening of his bakery. YEE and TUNG go to the kitchen to get some food. She suddenly has a feeling of wanting to vomit.